Mole Wart Skin Tag Removal

Sunday, December 30, 2007

How to Get Rid of Warts Using Home Remedies

“How To Remove Your Moles, Warts & Skin Tags in 3 Days - Easily, Naturally And Without Surgery. Click Here to Know HOW??”

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If you believe that homeopathic home remedies work, then here are some ways on how to get rid of warts using natural methods. While there is a large group of people who feel that home remedies are a waste of time and old wives tales, there are also a growing number who literally live by them. Does getting rid of warts using home remedies really work? Try some of the solutions and you may be pleasantly surprised by the results.

Warts are produced by a virus that puts an unwanted growth on your skin. These are embarrassing and not pretty to look at, and you want them removed as quickly and painlessly as possible. Without going into specific medical details on why they occur, permanent removal is possible. These unpleasant growths which are almost always non-cancerous are unwanted because they just simply look bad on your skin. Listed are effective low cost ways on how to get rid of warts using time tested old fashion home remedies.

The most popular home remedy on how to get rid of warts believe it or not is using good old duct tape. In fact, there has been extensive testing and actual scientific research that this is effective in removing or eliminating warts. If you are interested in giving this a try, simply apply the duct tape directly to your warts. Keep the duct tape covered on the warts for about a week and then remove the tape. Soak the wart in water and then scrub with a pumice stone. If your wart does not immediately come off, repeat the procedure again. This again is a time tested method on how to get rid of warts.

Another method which has proven effective in eliminating warts is using aloe vera. Soak a small cotton ball using preferably a gel aloe solution for about a minute. Tape the aloe soaked cotton ball directly on your wart. Add additional aloe to the cotton ball once every few hours. Change the cotton ball daily and within a week the wart should fall off.

Caster oil is another proven effective home remedy on getting rid of warts. Apply the castor oil directly onto your wart and then rub or massage the wart and its surrounding area with your fingers. Continue this for a couple of weeks and your wart should disappear. If you prefer, you can also apply the castor oil directly on the wart twice a day and keep it covered using a bandage.

Additional wart removing techniques include: using chalk, dandelion, aspirin, bananas, baking soda, papaya, lemon juice, and/or milkweed. These are all individual solutions and are to be applied topically. When choosing a home remedy, it?s important that you are not allergic to any of the ingredients. If you are unsure, test it for a day or two for any skin reactions.

Keep in mind when using these home remedies for wart removal, that the results are not guaranteed. One solution that works for someone, does not necessarily mean it will work for you. However, since there are a wide variety of remedies to choose from, you should be able to find at least one successful cure that will work.

Christa Lopez is a freelance writer and researcher on various topics including health related issues. To see other medical, self help and beauty tips and resources, visit her website at Health Beauty Issues at

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Thursday, December 27, 2007

Genital Warts And Dry Skin - Is There A Connection?

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Genital warts can cause lots of discomfort and irritation to the skin around the effected area. Genital psoriasis, a condition that involves dry, flakey skin around genital warts, is one of the most unfomfortable. This is when the effected area is not getting enough water or oil. Replenishing the body's natural moisture in the area is the best way to treat this condition. Dry, flakey skin around genital warts is a common problem, but it is terribly uncomfortable because the skin in this area is especially sensitive.

Dermatologists say that the best way to handle this problem is to do what you would do with a dry scalp. You can use a special, medicated shampoo. Like shampoos made for dry scalps, you put it on and let it sit for five or ten minutes while you are showering. You can also use a gentle cortisone cream twice a day. Also, anti-itch creams help ease the suffering.

In the past, people used coal tar as a way to treat dry skin, especially in the genital area. This treatment has been improved upon and is used today in the form of various medications. You can get either prescription or over the counter remedies. These are often shampoos that you use when you bathe. There are also creams that you put on when you go to bed and wash off in the morning. The downside is that they smell a little and can leave stains on your clothes. Still, they are proven to be effective and safe.

An easy way to relieve some of the suffering of dry skin around genital warts is to wear loose-fitting clothes. Cotton, especially, is gentle on your skin. Clothes that are permanent pressed may be uncomfortable because they have formaldehyde, which irritates skin.

If you have dry, flakey skin, it may actually be a fungal infection. For this, you would need an anti-fungal which you would need to apply a certain number of times a day for up to ten days. These anti-fungal creams are usually used twice a day, and may be used in conjunction with your regular genital psoriasis treatment. If whichever treatment you are using does not show positive results after a couple of days, you should talk to your dermatologist and have them re-examine you.

Vitamins help slightly in treatment of genital psoriasis. Vitamins A and E, in particular, may offer some relief. Other people have tried acupuncture and other kinds of alternative health treatment. These methods are not scientifically proven, but those who have had success with them swear by them.

There is a chance that the dry, flakey skin will clear up on its own. On the other hand, sometimes it will seem to resist any kind of treatment you try. One factor that effects this condition is your emotional state and stress level, as well as the overall general health of your body. Keeping your life as stress-free as possible and eating well will both help with treatment.

You can also find more information at home remedy for genital warts and female genital warts. is a comprehensive resource to help individuals with genital warts to identify symptoms, prevention and treatment options.

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Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Genital Warts In Males May Be Difficult to Detect

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Genital warts in males are the outward symptoms of a viral infection which may include the tissues around the infected area. Male genital warts can affect the urethra, penis, scrotum and rectal area. The warts can appear as soft, raised areas with a surface that can be smooth or rough. Genital warts in males can be difficult to detect because they may be covered with pubic hair.

According to the American Academy of Physicians, there are several treatment options available to remove genital warts in males. The goal of treatment is to prevent spreading the virus and to relieve the physical symptoms. No particular method for removing male genital warts works in all cases. When choosing the best method to remove genital warts, your physician will consider the size, location and number of warts.

Physicians who provide treatment for male genital warts in their offices will likely use one of the following techniques:

* Cyrotherapy - removing male genital warts with liquid nitrogen

* TCA (trichloracetic acid) - a chemical compound used to remove male genital warts.

* Electrocautery - burning off male genital warts with an electrical current

* Laser therapy - using an intense light to remove genital warts (Laser treatments for male genital warts can be very expensive and is not available in all physicians' offices.)

At-home prescription treatments for male genital warts include imiquimod cream and podofilox cream. These creams require repeated daily applications over a period of weeks. Many patients prefer these medications because they can be applied in the privacy of their homes.

It is important to understand that effective treatment of male genital warts does not constitute a cure. This is because the treatment removes the genital warts, but not the HPV virus. As long as the HPV virus is present, male genital warts can recur and require additional treatment. Condoms do not adequately protect against genital warts, because the infected spot may not be covered by a condom. The only reliable prevention is not to have skin contact with potentially infected tissue.

Doctors strongly caution against the use of home remedies for male genital warts because many of the chemicals used in these treatments can be very strong and cause irritation in the sensitive male genital area. Because there are so many male genital wart treatments available, you should consult with your doctor about your condition before deciding on the treatment for genital warts that is most appropriate for you.

Learn more about what genital warts look like on our site. You'll also find other information such as latest research on genital warts and nonvenereal genital warts. is a comprehensive resource to help individuals with genital warts to identify symptoms, prevention and treatment options.

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Tuesday, December 25, 2007

What Is Wart

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Sunday, December 23, 2007

Genital Warts Can Be Spread Through Foreplay

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Because the human papillomavirus (HPV) is spread through skin to skin contact, it is quite common for genital warts to be spread through foreplay. Penetration is not necessary and a condom will not necessarily protect you from genital warts even in foreplay because it may not cover all of the affected area.

The virus that causes genital warts is passed by direct contact during foreplay or intercourse with a wart or skin that is infected with the virus. It is possible to get the warts on the hands and in the mouth during foreplay or oral sex. About 50 percent of the people who are infected with HPV never develop genital warts, but are still capable of transmitting the virus to others through foreplay or intercourse. Intimate skin contact such as dry humping and genital to genital contact during foreplay can easily transmit the virus that causes warts.

The reason a condom may not protect you during intercourse or foreplay is that it does not cover the base of a man?s penis, his pubic hair or scrotum (places where HPV may lurk).Skin to skin contact is all that is necessary so rubbing during foreplay (when a condom often isn?t used) can deposit the virus. Washing with soap and water after foreplay or sexual intercourse can help reduce your chances of getting genital warts during foreplay.

For many people with HPV infection, there are no obvious signs of infection, such as genital warts. However, if warts are present, a doctor can diagnose HPV infection by their characteristic appearance and by obtaining a history of how they may have been obtained through sexual intercourse or foreplay. In women, doctors often use a colposcope, (a telescope with a very powerful magnifying lens) to diagnose genital warts. PAP smears can also be good indicators of HPV infection.

If you know that you are infected with genital warts, it is very important that you tell your partner before you engage in foreplay or intercourse. Then your partner can make an informed decision about whether it is worth the risk.

If you have genital warts, talk to your doctor about ways to minimize the chances of infecting a partner during foreplay or intercourse. Your physician can advise you on the best way to manage your sexual life, including foreplay, when you are infected with HPV.

Learn more about treat genital warts with grapeseed extract on our site. You'll also find other information such as genital warts and child abuse is a comprehensive resource to help individuals with genital warts to identify symptoms, prevention and treatment options.

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Friday, December 21, 2007

Males Get Genital Warts

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Males get genital warts for the same reasons that women get them. Genital warts are caused by the Human Papillomavirus (HPV). When males get genital warts the most likely areas to be affected are the urethra, penis, scrotum and rectal area. The warts often appear as a soft, raised area that can be smooth or rough. Genital warts in males can be difficult to detect because they may be covered with pubic hairs.

HPV is transmitted through direct physical contact during sexual activity. The virus is not found in or spread by bodily fluids. Condom use may decrease the risk of transmission of HPV during intimate contact but it will not completely prevent the risk infection. Spermicides and hormonal birth control methods cannot prevent the spread of the HPV infection.

There are several treatment options available for males who get genital warts. The goal of treatment is remove the warts and prevent the virus from spreading. When choosing the best method to remove genital warts, your physician will consider the size, location and number of warts.

Some of the methods used by physicians to treat genital warts in males include:

? Cyrotherapy - Removing genital warts with liquid nitrogen

? TCA (trichloracetic acid) - This is a topical compound that is used to treat genital warts in males.

? Electrocautery - Burning off male genital warts with an electric current

? Laser Therapy - using an intense light to remove genital warts. (This treatment is very expensive and may not be available in all physicians? offices.)

When males get genital warts their physicians may prescribe imiquimod cream or podofilox cream. These creams require repeated applications over a period of weeks. Males with genital warts often prefer these creams because they can be applied in the privacy of their homes.

Males who get genital warts sometimes use over the counter treatments like Dr. Scholls to treat their condition. The active ingredient in Dr. Scholls and similar medications is salicylic acid. Salicylic acid is a colorless substance found in many medications that are used to treat skin disorders such as acne, psoriasis and warts. Doctors strongly advise against the use of products containing salicylic acid because it can cause serious irritation in the sensitive genital area. Home remedies containing substances like vinegar can also cause irritation.

It is important to understand that treatment for male genital warts does not constitute a cure. There is no cure for the human papillomavirus. Even after treatment, genital warts can reappear, sometimes in larger quantities than before. It is important that infected patients keep a close eye for outbreaks and begin treatment as soon as symptoms appear. Your best defense against a recurrence is a strong immune system that can be achieved through getting proper rest, eating a nutritious diet and exercise. All natural remedies for genital warts can often be used on a regular basis to help prevent recurrences.

It can be difficult to decide which treatment is best for your. Males who get genital warts should consider all the options, including natural remedies, before deciding which treatment is best.

You can also find other information at genital warts symptoms and treating gential warts with vinegar. is a comprehensive resource to help individuals with genital warts to identify symptoms, prevention and treatment options.

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Thursday, December 20, 2007

Transmission Of Genital Warts

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Genital warts are eruptions on the skin in the genital area, caused by the HPV virus - human papilloma virus. Genital warts occur in both males and females. The incidence of genital warts in males is lesser than in females. The reason is that the female anatomy provides better and more conducive conditions for the virus to thrive. Males may not actually suffer from genital warts, but, once exposed can become carriers of the HPV virus.

The transmission of genital warts from one infected person to another is due to intimate physical contact. The person carrying the virus may or may not have visible genital warts. As this is the most common way for transmission of genital warts a healthy lifestyle is advised. Safe sexual practices should be adhered to in order to minimize exposure to transmission of genital warts.

There is no definite time period for the manifestation of genital warts from the time of infection. Transmission of genital warts may result in a person getting infected with HPV but no outward changes might be seen for a long time. At times, even for years at a stretch. The HPV virus has the capability to remain latent for long periods of time.

However, on the other hand, the transmission of genital warts like a quick spreading contagious disease has also been seen. The exact reason for differences of this kind is not known. It is put down to physiological differences from person to person.

Transmission of genital warts is also possible by close contact with objects that have been exposed to the virus. Unwashed and improperly cleaned medical equipment that have been used on an infected person has the potential to infect another person.

Transmission of genital warts has also been observed during pregnancy from an infected mother to her unborn child. The child gets these warts in the mouth and the throat as these areas are conducive for the growth of the virus.

Healthy lifestyle choices can go a long way in the prevention of and protection against the incidence of genital warts.

Genital Warts provides detailed information on Genital Warts, Genital Wart Medication, Genital Wart Removal, Genital Wart Symptoms and more. Genital Warts is affiliated with HPV Treatments.

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Home Remedies For Genital Warts

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Home remedies are one of the first steps taken whenever any signs of ill health are seen. For problems that are not of a serious nature home remedies are fine. In fact several small problems do get solved by good home remedies.

Genital warts are also often first treated at home. If the treatment begins in the initial stage itself it might even help and cure the warts completely. Home remedies generally involve the use of items that are readily available at home, generally on the kitchen shelf itself.

One common home remedy often advised for warts of all kinds is the application of bleach two to three times a day. A week or so after this kind of treatment the wart is bound to fall off. Another popular home remedy for warts is a mixture of castor oil and baking soda. Multiple applications are reputed to do away with warts permanently. However, a word of caution here, baking soda is best avoided for use on genital warts. The skin in these areas is very sensitive and baking soda might lead to other complications. An application of only castor oil can help instead. A slice of fresh garlic applied over this and taped in place and left overnight may help the wart fall off.

A banana peel patch is believed to be of immense help. A banana peel patch over the wart kept overnight is advised. Some people try painting the warts with vitamin A or beta-carotene once or twice a day. Some people, who profess a working knowledge of herbal remedies, tie up pouches of herbs to be used as poultices on the warts.

Whether or not such remedies work is anybody's guess. In general, the trick lies in finding the right cure in the required quantity early enough. As there is no way to standardize these factors, the efficacy of home remedies for genital warts is always questionable.

Genital Warts provides detailed information on Genital Warts, Genital Wart Medication, Genital Wart Removal, Genital Wart Symptoms and more. Genital Warts is affiliated with HPV Treatments.

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Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Diagnosing Genital Warts

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Medical practitioners can diagnose genital warts by direct visual examination. It is common medical practice to test female patients with genital warts, for possible HPV infection of the cervix. Cervical examination is done with the use of a Pap smear test. This test is a thorough and detailed examination of the cells scraped from the uterine cervix. If medical practitioners detect any abnormality in the test results, they send the patients for further tests to determine the exact cause and nature of the abnormality.

A physical examination for the diagnosis of genital warts involves a thorough examination of the pelvic region and the thighs. These warts may also develop in the mouth or throat, however such cases are rare.

To the naked eye these warts may appear as raised or flat bumps on the skin. These warts may be either large or small. They occur both in groups and in clumps. Sometimes these warts resemble the head of a cauliflower. This is in fact the most distinctive feature that pinpoints a wart as a genital wart.

These warts are generally flesh colored or a bit lighter than the skin color of the patient. Genital warts are mostly painless though patients have reported some instances of itching, pain and bleeding.

Genital warts begin as soft fleshy growths that vary in size. Being painless, they are often ignored by patients. As the HPV virus that causes these warts has an indeterminably long incubation period, doctors who suspect the presence of the virus, prescribe tests. These tests may either confirm or rule out the presence of the HPV virus.

Timely diagnosis of genital warts is very essential. Untreated genital warts may lead to cancer in certain organs in the pelvic region. Regular medical check ups are the best way to get a timely diagnosis done.

Genital Warts provides detailed information on Genital Warts, Genital Wart Medication, Genital Wart Removal, Genital Wart Symptoms and more. Genital Warts is affiliated with HPV Treatments.

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Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Wart Removal

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Monday, December 17, 2007

Natural Cures For Genital Warts

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Often personal preferences lead people towards natural remedies. A deep distrust of the chemicals used in modern medicine is often the reason for people turning to natural remedies. It is believed by many that modern medicines succeed only in curing symptoms, while the real cause lies inside the body just to surface again later.

Natural remedies for various diseases are prescribed by alternative systems of medicine like the Indian system of Ayurveda, native Chinese medicine, Native American medicines and so on. All medications based on these systems are generally herb based. These systems have been used successfully for several generations and are not to be scoffed at. However, one needs to be cautious while opting for natural remedies especially for a disease as sensitive as genital warts. This is a disease that has a potential to turn into something extremely dangerous. Genital warts on the cervix have been known to lead to cervical cancer.

The only problem with natural remedies for genital warts prescribed by alternative systems of medicine is that they are non-standardized. There is no regulating authority that certifies such medicines as free from harmful after effects. So, even while practitioners of such alternative systems of medicine prescribe natural remedies for genital warts with guarantees of cures, one should view the situation in an objective manner.

Natural cures, whose ingredients can be vouched for, are safe to use. So it is essential to arm oneself with relevant details before taking natural remedies.

Natural cures may contain ingredients like dried extracts of various herbs, glycerin extracts, alcohol extracts, licorice and so on. Herbs like goldenseal, lomatium, coneflower, milkweed, osha, thuja, etc., are used in the preparation of natural remedies for genital warts. Yellow sulphur powder, bacon grease, apple cider vinegar and radishes are a few other items used for topical applications.

There are quite a few creams prepared with natural ingredients that are available in the market. Topical application of these creams helps some patients. The effects of natural remedies for different people are different. Several physiological reasons are cited for this. Differing reactions make people distrust natural remedies for genital warts and question their efficacy.

Genital Warts provides detailed information on Genital Warts, Genital Wart Medication, Genital Wart Removal, Genital Wart Symptoms and more. Genital Warts is affiliated with HPV Treatments.

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Friday, December 14, 2007

Incubation Period For Genital Warts

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Studies have shown genital warts to be the second commonest sexually transmitted disease. HPV1 and HPV2 are the pathogens that cause common warts. The same pathogens are known to cause genital warts too. These warts are highly contagious and spread quickly upon contact.

These warts may at times itch or burn or often have no symptoms at all. There also may be carriers of the virus who show no symptoms at all. However, the virus can still be passed on to others from such people. It often happens that men do not show any signs of genital warts but carry the virus. This gets passed on to their sexual partners and upon finding a suitable area for growth, it manifests as visible warts.

The incubation period of a virus is the time taken for the virus to show up as a symptom after the initial contact. The HPV virus has a long incubation period that typically ranges from three weeks to eight months. The average incubation period for the HPV virus has been estimated to be three months. However, there have been cases when the HPV virus has surfaced only years after exposure.

Medical practitioners hold varying views on the possible reasons for this. One logical reason however is that contracting the virus may depend upon a person?s immune system. Viral infections, though highly contagious, do not spread as widely as bacterial ones do. But as viruses like the HPV virus have very long incubation periods it is possible that they just remain latent and surface as soon as there is a weakness in the body?s armor i.e., the immune system.

It is very difficult to determine how a person contracted the HPV virus, as the virus has a very long incubation period. It is for this reason that medical practitioners advise safe sexual practices as the only method of prevention of exposure to the HPV virus.

Genital Warts provides detailed information on Genital Warts, Genital Wart Medication, Genital Wart Removal, Genital Wart Symptoms and more. Genital Warts is affiliated with HPV Treatments.

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Thursday, December 13, 2007

Genital Warts Support Groups

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Support groups are groups where members extend and receive mutual support of various types. The type of support extended is generally of a nonprofessional and nonmaterial nature. The members of a support group generally come together for a common reason or cause.

In the case of a support group formed for sufferers of a disease like genital warts, the group performs various functions. The members of the support group get together and pool in information. This helps newcomers who are at times bewildered about their condition due to lack of information. A problem as sensitive as genital warts cannot be discussed openly. Hence people turn to support groups for help.

Genital warts support groups act as a forum where experiences are shared among members. Members and their families often find solutions to some problems by interacting with persons who have faced and overcome similar problems.

Support groups offer the kind of support that has traditionally been offered by extended families. There has been a mushrooming of support groups of various types with the breakdown of the extended family system. They fill the void left by the absence of family members who could be relied upon for support and advice.

Genital warts support groups exist both online and as groups where people actually meet and have conversations. Those who want to conceal their identity often opt for online groups. Anonymity enables them to ask question which would otherwise be very embarrassing.

On the other hand there are some people who join offline support groups to have a certain amount of human interaction. A disease like genital warts can cause a certain amount of social ostracism. In such situations, sufferers need some solace and understanding that is provided by genital warts support groups.

While filling an essential psychological need, genital warts support groups also provide resources that members can use to reach proper medical care for a full recovery.

Genital Warts provides detailed information on Genital Warts, Genital Wart Medication, Genital Wart Removal, Genital Wart Symptoms and more. Genital Warts is affiliated with HPV Treatments.

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Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Genital Warts And Pregnancy

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The prevalence of genital warts during pregnancy puts the unborn child at risk of contracting the infection. Instances of neonatal infection have been seen due to the infection passing on to the child through an infected birth canal.

Various problems may arise during pregnancy if the mother has a prevalence of genital warts. Depending on the location of the warts they may cause problems during childbirth. If genital warts have spread to the birth canal they may cause an obstruction and the mother will have difficulty in delivering the child. The warts may start bleeding and give rise to other complications. If the warts are large in size they may even block the urinary passage and make it difficult for the patient to urinate.

Though the condition is rare, it is possible that the unborn child of a woman infected with genital warts, may suffer from laryngeal papillomatosis. This disease can cause a potentially life threatening condition for both the mother and the child.

It has been seen that unborn children of women affected with genital warts sometimes develop warts in their mouth and throat. This is because the virus gets transmitted through an infected birth canal. Finding the mouth and throat areas to be moist and warm the virus lodges itself there and multiplies rapidly.

The treatment available for laryngeal papillomatosis is laser surgery that prevents obstruction of the breathing passages. This procedure needs to be repeated at regular intervals. The latest approach towards the treatment of laryngeal papillomatosis is the use of interferon therapy in combination with laser surgery. This approach may possibly slow the course of the disease.

The prevalence of genital warts during pregnancy leads to a lot of complications for the mother and the unborn child. Scientists are engaged in research aimed at developing HPV vaccines. Once this comes through, unborn children of infected mothers can be saved from exposure to the HPV virus.

Genital Warts provides detailed information on Genital Warts, Genital Wart Medication, Genital Wart Removal, Genital Wart Symptoms and more. Genital Warts is affiliated with HPV Treatments.

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Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Skin Tag 3

“How To Remove Your Moles, Warts & Skin Tags in 3 Days - Easily, Naturally And Without Surgery. Click Here to Know HOW??”

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Sunday, December 9, 2007

Beginning Stages Of Genital Warts

“How To Remove Your Moles, Warts & Skin Tags in 3 Days - Easily, Naturally And Without Surgery. Click Here to Know HOW??”

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Warts are abnormal skin growths that are caused by a virus. Genital warts are caused by the human papilloma virus (HPV). Genital warts appear as innocuous bumps on the skin in the initial stages. These bumps are generally painless and hence go unnoticed by many. This is one of the main problems associated with genital warts. If they are diagnosed at this early stage itself, immediate steps taken for treatment might result in a complete cure.

With time there may be some discharge associated with genital warts. When this happens the chances of their spreading increases and multiple warts may be seen in a matter of a few days. Once they start spreading, genital warts manifest in more than one location.

The other symptoms associated with genital warts in the early stages include bleeding, pain, odor, redness and itching in the affected areas. Different people manifest different symptoms. It is also possible that these symptoms are seen without the warts being present and the reverse is also true. Genital warts may be present yet none of these symptoms may be seen.

Genital warts when visible to the naked eye are usually soft and moist, small pink or gray polyps. They are generally found in clusters and thrive when the surroundings are moist and warm.

Genital warts are generally difficult to detect unless they are obviously visible. Even if they are present in a state that is not easy to detect, genital warts are highly contagious and can infect others through contact.

Often it so happens that a healthy body is able to fight off the warts on its own given time. This is why many warts disappear without any treatment. In fact, at times it takes time for a person to realize that a wart, the presence of which he had got used to, no longer exists.

Genital Warts provides detailed information on Genital Warts, Genital Wart Medication, Genital Wart Removal, Genital Wart Symptoms and more. Genital Warts is affiliated with HPV Treatments.

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Friday, December 7, 2007

Genital Warts FAQs

“How To Remove Your Moles, Warts & Skin Tags in 3 Days - Easily, Naturally And Without Surgery. Click Here to Know HOW??”

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What are genital warts? Small flesh colored bumps or tiny cauliflower like bumps in the genital region may be genital warts. These warts occur on or around the genital organs in both men and women.

What causes genital warts?

Genital warts are caused by the human papilloma virus (HPV). Genital warts are also known as condyloma.

Why do people suffer from genital warts?

Genital warts are a sexually transmitted disease. It is passed on due to skin contact during sexual activity.

Is it easy to detect genital warts?

Genital warts may be painless growths on or in the sex organs. Hence it may not be easy to detect them. At times special tests are needed to detect the HPV virus.

Should one be worried about the presence of genital warts?

It depends on where the warts are located. For women, genital warts on the cervix can be a cause for concern. Regular pap smears are advised for such women.

What should a person diagnosed with genital warts do?

A person diagnosed with genital warts should see his or her medical practitioner regularly. The line of treatment advised should be meticulously followed. Any lifestyle modifications advised should also be strictly adhered to. Pregnant women diagnosed with genital warts should be extra careful with their medical check up and treatment schedules as this condition may affect the unborn child adversely.

What is the usual treatment for genital warts?

Cold liquid chemicals are applied to warts to remove them. It may require multiple applications of the chemical for a proper removal of the warts. Patients who are HIV positive will need a slightly different approach as their warts tend to increase in size and number very fast.

Do genital warts reappear after treatment?

The possibility is always there, as the virus is still present, even after the warts are removed. There is also a possibility of transmission to others if the virus remains in the patient?s skin after treatment.

Genital Warts provides detailed information on Genital Warts, Genital Wart Medication, Genital Wart Removal, Genital Wart Symptoms and more. Genital Warts is affiliated with HPV Treatments.

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Thursday, December 6, 2007

Genital Warts Statistics

“How To Remove Your Moles, Warts & Skin Tags in 3 Days - Easily, Naturally And Without Surgery. Click Here to Know HOW??”

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When statistics regarding genital warts are reported various terms and figures are used. One of these is the term ?prevalence of genital warts.? This term refers to the estimated number of people who are managing various stages of genital warts at any given time. Another oft used term is ?incidence of genital warts.? This term refers to the number of cases of genital warts diagnosed within a given time period. The health department issues statistical figures as a matter of routine.

The incidence of genital warts annually in USA is around one million cases. The incidence rate is estimated to be approximately one in 272, which roughly works out to about 0.37% of the population.

The incidence extrapolations in USA for genital warts has been estimated at 1,000,000 per year, 83,333 per month, 19,230 per week, 2,739 per day, 114 per hour and 1 per minute, as per official statistics.

The HPV virus is one of the most common causes of sexually transmitted diseases in the world. The HPV virus is responsible for causing genital warts. According to the American Social Health Association about 5.5 million new cases of genital warts are reported in USA every year. A rough estimate puts the prevalence of genital warts at 40 million cases.

There are more than 100 types of HPV viruses, of which 30 cause sexually transmitted diseases, of these genital warts are the most common. Studies have shown that this disease manifests more in women than in men, who are often just carriers of the virus. It has also been seen that over half the women infected with HPV show no symptoms at all.

It has been observed that 85% of women diagnosed with cervical cancer have been infected with the HPV virus that causes genital warts. Though seen over all age groups, incidences of genital warts are more common among men and women in their early twenties.

Genital Warts provides detailed information on Genital Warts, Genital Wart Medication, Genital Wart Removal, Genital Wart Symptoms and more. Genital Warts is affiliated with HPV Treatments.

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Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Stop Being Affected By Genital Warts - Understand Them Today

“How To Remove Your Moles, Warts & Skin Tags in 3 Days - Easily, Naturally And Without Surgery. Click Here to Know HOW??”

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There are many things which are considered to be taboo subjects to discuss openly in public. One such topic is that of genital herpes. The fact is that most people will go to extraordinary lengths to avoid these subjects but in some cases this can be detrimental to the health of the person.

Genital Herpes not only effects a person physically, but has great potential to emotionally devastate them as well. The emotional scars can lead many to seek additional outside mental help.

The person who suffers from genital herpes will sometimes find their lives turned upside down and will be unable to deal with the situation. It need not be this way, but regrettably sometimes the emotional affect genital herpes can have on a person can be greater than the actual medical examination condition itself.

This is not to say that genital herpes isn't serious or a potentially serious condition, only that some people will find they need more help to cope with the emotional wound of having contracted a sexually transmitted disease than others will.

For these people care needs to be given not only to treat the active condition but also the mental and emotional health of the person. Although there are many areas that are affected, here are just a few areas in which people feel the most:

* Lack of self esteem

* Feelings of guilt

* Anger

* Feelings of shame

* Depression

Although this list is in no way exhaustive, it gives you an idea of the emotional affects genital herpes can have on ones life.

These feelings and emotional states can come about as the consequence of many things:

* such as being rejected by their partner for having a sexually transmitted disease

* being ineffective to cope with the realness of genital herpes

* being unable to deal with any residual scarring of the genital area

Although for the most part genital herpes blisters will go away themselves, there may sometimes be scarring as a consequence of the blisters. This can be due to the severity and the spread of the blisters themselves. If you feel you have contracted this condition get checked immediately. The sooner the better.

Meanwhile, To help with the pain which may be felt with genital herpes blisters you might want to try bathing the affected area in a salt solution comprising of half a teaspoon of salt mixed with half a pint of warm water. This will not only soothe the affected area but it also has the added benefits of drying out the sores.

You might also want to avoid such things as tanning beds and sunbathing. Avoid wearing tight fitting clothing which won't allow your genital area to breathe. This includes panties, tight fitting briefs for men, bathing suites for long periods of time and nylons on a regular basis.

If you find that urinating is painful due to the urine leaving over the sores, you can either pour water over yourself as you urinate, or you can try to urinate inside a bath of water. Although this may not seem to practical, if you feel enough pain you may not have any other choice.

What you really need to do though when you have genital herpes is get a lot of rest. You body needs it and now is as a good a time as any to start listening to it.

Remember, if you feel the symptoms of genital herpes, overcome the fear of what others will think and get some medical help. You will be grateful that you did.

Get additional free genital warts information by clicking here. Bowe Packer is an accomplished online information provider. He provides informative articles to over 50 websites. Visit his Genital Warts site and learn Everything you need to know about genital warts for free.

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Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Skin Tag Removal

“How To Remove Your Moles, Warts & Skin Tags in 3 Days - Easily, Naturally And Without Surgery. Click Here to Know HOW??”

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Monday, December 3, 2007

Genital Warts Treatment Tips

“How To Remove Your Moles, Warts & Skin Tags in 3 Days - Easily, Naturally And Without Surgery. Click Here to Know HOW??”

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The question ?what is genital warts? is coming back again and again as the disease simply doesn?t seem to go away. Among the most common sexually transmitted diseases in the US and also outside, the spread of the disease remains unabated. Consider this data ? the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is of the opinion that there are 6.2 million new genital warts infections every year. They also report that in excess of 20 million people in the US alone are infected with the problem. So the problem is not something that can be just shoved under the carpet ? genital warts are assuming great proportions.

So what is genital warts? Also known as venereal warts or simply HPV, this is a disease that is caused by the human papillomavirus mostly in those who are between 17 and 33 years old.

Both men and women can be infected with genital warts. In fact, according to estimates, being a common infection of the female reproductive tract, genital warts affects as many as 50% of all adult females. And that?s a startling figure which is prompting an increasing number of people to inquire ? what is genital warts? In some women, genital warts can even lead to cancerous and precancerous lesions of the uterine cervix.

Ladies have genital warts on the cervix, in the vagina, and also in the vulva. On the other hand, men have the disease in the penis, close to the anus, in the thigh, and even stuck between the penis and the scrotum.

It all starts with flesh or pink colored, moist and soft eruptions that appear on the skin. These eruptions crop up as small swellings that can be just one or two here and there, or even many spread all over the place. They sometimes look like a cauliflower. Normally spreading through sexual contact with an affected person ? straight, oral or anal, it can take just days for the swellings to appear or even months in some cases. While some people never get the warts even after repeated contact with an effected individual, others can get it after just one session. And this is where the disease becomes tricky. Another thing that makes genital warts extremely tricky is the fact that many people can have a HPV infection, but they will still never have the swellings. So the question ? what is genital warts remain redundant to them, though they are very much in the scheme of things.

It can also so happen that someone is carrying the virus, but because of there being no symptom, the person never comes to know about it and thus never needs to know what genital warts is. But someone having sexual contact with such a person sadly develops the rashes. This is a very sad situation indeed.

There are actually more than 100 different HPV virus types, and the good news is, most cannot cause any harm. But still about 30 carry a high or a low risk.

It?s always ?better to be safe than sorry?. Having just one partner reduces the threat considerably, and this is a better option than having to ask the doctor ? what genital warts is.

Jen Carter is team member and writes regularily about rel="nofollow" href="">genital warts and other common conditions for

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Sunday, December 2, 2007

Using Dr. Schools For Genital Warts Treatment

“How To Remove Your Moles, Warts & Skin Tags in 3 Days - Easily, Naturally And Without Surgery. Click Here to Know HOW??”

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You may have seen Dr. Scholls Wart Remover at the store and wondered if it could be used to treat genital warts. The main ingredient is salicylic acid, which is quite effective in breaking down the layers and killing warts. It is the same chemical found in Wart Off, Compound W and Freezone.

Salicylic is actually a natural substance that has been used for thousands of years for treatment. It is found in willow trees' bark. The name of the chemical is derived from the Latin word "salix," which means willow.

Your doctor will probably recommend not using over the counter treatments for wart removal. Dr. Scholls and other over the counter remedies have strong chemicals which can be painful, uncomfortable and damaging to the skin of your genitals. If you decide to use Dr. Scholls, make sure that you follow the directions perfectly in order to minimize risk. No matter how many warts you have or how serious your problem, never exceed the dosage specified on the label. If you do this, you will definitely experience some irritation and you could get salicylic acid poisoning.

Make sure that the over the counter medication does not come into contact with any mucous membranes. If any of it comes into contact with your mouth, eyes or any other place with mucous membranes, wash them out right away for at least 15 minutes.

You should put the ointment directly onto the area of your body where you have warts. It helps to make sure the area is wet first. You can put some wart water on the infected area about 5 minutes before you apply the cream. After 5 minutes, get rid of any tissue or dry skin, and dab the area with a washcloth until it is completely dry. Then, you are ready to put the solution onto the warts. You will see some improvement in the are after just a week or two.

You may be one of those who is hypersensitive or allergic to salicylic acid. If you have circulation problems or diabetes, you should definitely not use anything with salicylic acid. If the skin is irritated or red, you should avoid using Dr. Scholls or any other solution with salicylic acid. Also, you should not use it on birthmarks, moles or warts that have hair growing on them. Finally, pregnant women who use a salicylic solution are at high risk for complications and birth defects.

If you have genital warts, it may seem like a good idea to simply buy an over the counter medication and take care of the problem yourself without the embarassment of going to the doctor. However, it is strongly recommended that you see the doctor first. Also, remember that warts are caused by the virus HPV, and removal of warts does not cure the virus. If you have an outbreak of genital warts, it is quite likely that you will have future outbreaks as well. Always see your doctor and decide with them on the best treatment option for you.

You can also find more information on low risk genital warts and flakey skin with genital warts. is a comprehensive resource to help individuals with genital warts to identify symptoms, prevention and treatment options.

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