Types Of Warts
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Did you realize that warts are not only caused by a virus but are actually a group of viruses that can appear anywhere there is skin? Unsightly and painful, warts are also contagious and can be transmitted to others. Warts in the genital area are of special concern because they can be passed along to others through sexual contact.
There are thought to be upwards of sixty different types of warts with the most common appearing on the hands, fingers and arms. These are generally characterized by burning, itching and oozing and if not treated early, can grow and spread.
Of all the different types of warts, six are the most prevalent:
The Common Wart: Found generally on the hands and knees, the Common Wart is a raised wart with a rough feeling surface.
The Filiform Wart: Resembling a miniscule finger, this wart can be mainly found on the face around the lips or eyelids.
The Flat Wart: As it's name implies, the Flat Wart is characterized by its smooth flattened surface. Primarily found on the face, neck, knees and hands, the Flat Wart is either dark or light in color.
The Plantar Wart: Because this wart is located on the soles of the feet, it is particularly painful. Varying in size, the Plantar Wart can be as large as a quarter or, even the size of a pinhead and, due to their location on the bottom of the foot, are covered with a callus. A close look at the wart will reveal very small black, brown or red spots inside it that are, in reality, blood vessels. Because the human papilloma virus (HPV)that causes the wart lives inside the body, removal of this wart does not necessarily negate its return. Due to the contagious nature of the Plantar Wart, it can be contracted by simply walking barefoot in public places, much like athlete's foot.
The Mosaic Wart: Another wart that can be found on the soles of the feet and is usually distinguished from the Plantar because of its tendency to grow in clusters. This wart can also grow on the hands.
Genital Wart: As its name implies, this wart manifests itself in the genital region. Genital warts are a more serious threat due to the possibility of sexual transmission. The main cause of genital warts is the Human Papilloma virus. Although there are over one hundred strains of this virus, only thirty strains are known to lead to this type of wart. Because of the way this wart can be transmitted, it has been listed as a "Sexually Transmitted Disease" and can cause cervical cancer in women.
Due to the viral nature of warts, the only known way to prevent them from coming back is to strengthen the immune system. A weakened immune system is a breeding ground for viruses and, as the old saying goes, "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure."
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