Mole Wart Skin Tag Removal

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

How To Get Rid Of Warts Fast!

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Are you having a problem with warts? Do you want to know how to get rid of warts? Well, the good news is you have found the right article to get more information on your warts. Before we go into how to get rid of warts, it is important that we understand what warts are and what causes the. Remember they always say prevention is better than cure.

What causes warts?

Warts are caused by what is called the human papilloma virus (HPV). There are different types of warts and the most common warts are the rough looking lesions often found on people's hands and fingers.

There is another type, which is much smaller and smoother. this type can be found on the hands and fingers too, but usually likes to show up on the face and eyes. You can also get warts on your feet and in your genital area, the so called genital warts.

The good thing about warts is that they usually appear on the surface of the skin. The one type of warts you should really fear is genital warts they are very contagious and have been blamed for most cases of cervical cancer as well as decreases in sperm in man.

There are many ways to get rid of warts:

If you go to your doctor, he or she may freeze the wart with liquid nitrogen. A blister will form around the wart and the dead tissue will fall off after a week. Other medications, such as Cantharidin, Bleomycin and Aldara can be injected into the wart. Another alternative treatment would be minor surgery, where the wart is cut away or laser surgery where the laser beam burns and destroy wart tissue. The last method is usually used for warts which are difficult to treat.

If you decide to go the natural way, here are a few remedies you can use to get rid of warts. The first thing you could do is drink herbal tea with lemon grass, chamomile and green teas. Drink at least 2 to 3 cups each day. Another thing you could do is make sure you wear 100% cotton underwear only, make sure to change the underwear more than once a day. Use only natural detergent to wash and clean your cotton underwear. Lastly, here's a method that only works on the common type of warts. Tape up the wart and leave it like that for up to a week then remove the tape. You may have to repeat this procedure for up to four weeks before the warts disappear.

Can warts be prevented?

Well, you can certainly prevent warts from spreading by not picking at them if you already have warts. You can use bandages to cover them up. Warts also seem to be harder to control when in moist conditions, always try to keep your hands as dry as possible. Although it is sometimes tempting, do not shave, comb or brush areas where warts are present, this may cause the virus to spread. If you happen to touch your warts make sure

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