Mole Wart Skin Tag Removal

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Genital Warts Cure - What Are Your Choices?

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If you are looking for a genital warts cure, then you will be happy to know there are plenty of solutions. But if you have HPV genital infection and your looking for a HPV cure, then the news is not so good. There is no know cure for HPV but there are several promising treatments and now there is even a vacine available.

By doing some simple searches you will be able to locate more than enough genital warts cure options. There are a multitudes of choices in the medicinal field that can take care of your genital warts.

Here are a few of the choices you may want to look into. If you are looking for an over the counter solution, I am afraid that the choices available to remove warts will usually not be appropriate for genital warts. We recommend you see a doctor who can then recommend such things as topical creams that you can apply to the infected area. Depending upon the situation you may need to do a minor surgical procedure.

So stay away from over the counter applications for removing warts as these creams will be too strong to use on your genital area. If by chance you do use such an application, you will probably have more pain and discomfort than you had before applying the cream. So stay away from any over the counter creams for removing warts and you will save yourself a lot of pain and discomfort.

More often than not, a prescription is in order, and due to the nature of where your genital warts reside, you may need the assistance of a trained medical professional even apply the medicinal cream to the infected area.

Sometimes performing a minor surgery called excision can be used quite successfully in removing the genital warts. This is a very minor day surgery and can provide a quick and easy solution to this otherwise irritating situation.

Another type of cure is called Loop Electrosurgical Excision Procedure, otherwise know as LEEP. In this procedure, an instrument is used that has one end shaped like a loop. The Wart is extracted by passing the loop under the wart and cutting it out of the skin. After the doctor will use an electrode to cauterize the skin.

The most common genital warts cure is Cryotherapy. This involves using either a liquid nitrogen of carbon dioxide and you actually freeze the wart by blasting it with the liquid nitrogen. This freezes the wart and then you can remove it.

One of the main advantages of using the cryosurgery method is it tends to have the least occurrence of scarring the skin. Most people do not want to leave a scar behind. Most of the other surgeries will leave some sort of scar where you were affected. So cryotherpy is a preferred method for curing genital warts.

So there you have it, you may rest at ease knowing that not only do you have the ability to cure genital warts, but you also have several solutions. Even though you will not be able to cure the HPV, you will be able to remove the ugly and potentially cancerous forming genital HPV wart cells.

Samuel Clark offers a way for Curing Your Genital Warts Naturally. An Ebook helping people Deal with this issue can be found at

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