Skin Disorders Growths Warts
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With both men and women wanting to look their best at all times, thanks to the celebrity fixation our generation seems to have, any kind of blemish to the skin is frowned on. Most can be hidden with make-up, such as a tiny mole or cut. However, if you have a wart, this is not so easy to hide and can lead to severe bouts of unhappiness. Thankfully, help is at hand.
Warts, or verrucas as they are sometimes known, are more common than you might think. Although you may feel you are the only person in the world ever to have had a wart, but most people will have had at least one wart in their lifetime. Adults and older children are usually the most susceptible to warts, although younger children can just as easily catch them.
They can be caused in numerous ways. The most common wart, which is the protruding type most people will be familiar with, usually occurs through a virus known as human papillomavirus, or HPV. Although not as serious as other skin afflictions, they can still cause health problems if left untreated. HPV has been recognized as one of the main causes of certain types of cancer, so it's wise to treat a wart. The good thing about these types of warts is that they cannot be easily spread, unless the wart comes into contact with an open wound on someone.
Other types of wart include:
- Flat warts, which are often the most visible as they tend to attach themselves to the face and neck area
- Filiform warts, which again concentrate on the facial area, although these are narrower and longer than other types
- Perlungual warts, a strain of which can be extremely painful, since they grow around and under fingernails, leading to sever discomfort
- Digitate warts, usually found on the scalp and rough in texture, with a shape not dissimilar to a finger
The second way to treat warts is via your local supermarket or drug store, or anywhere that sells pharmaceutical health products. Some of the choices here include pads or jars of salicylic acid, which you apply to the infected area. You can also buy caustic pencils, which uses silver nitrate to destroy the damaged skin. However, this form of treatment can be very lengthy, with anything up to twelve weeks being the norm for the treatment to be successful. There is also the danger of damaging skin that is not infected, if the applicators are not used to their strict guidelines.
A third and very simple, yet fairly effective, way to treat warts if you cannot afford the various types of medicinal aid is in the form of everyday household duct tape. By wrapping a piece of duct tape around the skin infected, and leaving it for a week, you can get similar results to those which involve salicylic acid. There have even been studies that have shown this method to have a success rate of over 80 per cent.
Although warts can be painful and certainly ugly to look at, which can be distressing for anyone with facial warts or other types that are in plain view, they need not have the same stigma attached to them as in the past. With the realization that it's only another skin complaint, like a rash or allergy, and that they can be treated relatively simply, you can feel confident that although a distraction, it's minor and temporary.
For more information about warts, their treatments, and nutritional supplements for warts visit
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