Mole Wart Skin Tag Removal

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

How To Get Rid of Warts and Moles

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If you have been looking for tips on how to get rid of embarrassing warts, and don't want to use prescription medicines or pay for a doctors visit. This article is going to be a wish come true.

Warts are generally painless, but can be very annoying, especially if they are on a area of your body that is used a lot like hands or feet. There are various types of warts, some being smooth and others appearing in clumps.

Five types of warts

1. The common wart that most people get has a slightly elevated surface, is rough and dry, and may pop up on any part of the body.

2. The flat wart is also common appearing in multiples and will often time appear on the face, legs, hands, and arms. This type appears in frequently shaved areas.

3. Plantar warts can appear on the soles of the feet often and can often appear as being ingrown.

4. Genital warts are located around the genital areas of men and women.

5. Small whitish warts can occur around the mouth and on the lips. This is a uncommon type of warts.

Are warts embarrassing you?

The best way to tell if you have a wart is to look at the lines of your skin, the normal lines of your skin will not run through warts, they will stop on one side and continue after the wart. And warts are grainy and not smooth and clear.

How warts are spread

Warts are caused by viruses, the human papilloma virus to be exact. The HPV virus is like any other germ and loves to migrate to warm moist conditions usually around small cuts or scratches on the hands or feet. When the virus finds conditions to it's liking the wart will start to form.

Warts are contagious

It's imperative that you keep the area around the wart clean and resist the temptation to pick at it. Wart can easily spread to others or yourself. Don't share towels or washcloths to prevent spreading.

How long will warts remain?

About 25% of warts are gone in about 6 months without treatment, but most go away in 2 to 3 years. With treatment, warts may be removed more quickly, but can return if the virus isn't completely removed from the skin.

Removing warts

A piece of duct tape applied to the wart will trick the body into producing natural antibodies that will rush to the affected area to do battle. After all we have always been told duct tape is good for everything and warts is no exception.

This is just one of the many remedies of getting rid of unsightly warts the natural holistic way. And there are also similar ways to get rid of other skin problems such as moles and skin tags.

Prescription medications have too many side effects. For alternative natural remedies for wart and mole removal, more info can be found at Natural wart removal

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