Mole Wart Skin Tag Removal

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Over The Counter Genital Warts Treatments

“How To Remove Your Moles, Warts & Skin Tags in 3 Days - Easily, Naturally And Without Surgery. Click Here to Know HOW??”

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Over the counter genital wart treatments can be found in any drug store. Health care professionals generally do not approve of over the counter genital wart treatments because if they are used improperly they can damage the sensitive genital area.

Some people prefer over the counter treatments because it allows them to save the time, embarrassment and expense of a doctor?s visit. If you do decide to see a doctor for treatment, make sure that he or she is aware of any over the counter treatments you are using. Some over the counter treatments can be dangerous is they are used in conjunction with prescription medications.

Salicylic acid is the main ingredient in many over the counter genital wart treatments like Dr.Scholl?s Wart Remover, Compound W, Freezone and Wart-Off. People with compromised immune systems or people who are allergic to salicylic acid should not use these products.

Over the counter genital wart treatments containing salicylic acid are applied directly to the affected area of the genital warts. Consumers are then instructed to hydrate the skin in order to enhance the effects by applying warm water for five minutes prior to use. Remove any loose tissue on or around the genital warts and dry thoroughly. When the area is dry apply the salicylic solution. Most people who use salicyclic solutions report that the genital warts show improvement within one to two weeks. If redness, a burning sensation or irritation occurs, you should stop using the salicyclic treatments and consult your physician immediately.

Genital wart treatments that contain salicylic acid are not recommended for use on moles, birthmarks, warts with hair growing from them, irritated skin or any infected or reddened area. Women who are pregnant should not use these genital warts treatments because the strong chemicals they contain may have adverse affects on the fetus.

There have been some recent advances in over the counter genital wart treatments, including some topical products that stimulate the skin?s own immune system to attack the virus. These topical products can be applied topically to eliminate warts and work not by destroying the skin, but by prompting the patient?s immune system to combat the virus that causes the warts. About half of all of the patients who have used these topical genital wart treatments report positive results within a couple of weeks.

A good source of information about over the counter treatments for genital warts is the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID). This group is a component of the National Institutes of Health. NIAID supports basic and applied research to prevent and treat infectious diseases.

It is important to remember that most health professionals advise against the use of over the counter genital warts treatment. Improper use of the strong chemicals in over the counter genital warts treatments could result in serious skin irritations.

You can also find more information at herbal treatment for naturally healing genital warts and female genital warts. is a comprehensive resource to help individuals with genital warts to identify symptoms, prevention and treatment options.

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Discover the Various Genital Warts Cure

“How To Remove Your Moles, Warts & Skin Tags in 3 Days - Easily, Naturally And Without Surgery. Click Here to Know HOW??”

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If you are one of those who suffer from a HPV infection you might already know that there is no ?official cure? for HPV. There are of courser treatment you can follow there is even a vaccine available now days. But if you are suffering from genital warts, then you have come to the right place as there are very good genital warts cure available.

You will soon find that there is plenty of genital warts cure available. Whether you look on the internet or elsewhere there are plenty of them in the medicinal field you just need to look for the one that suits you.

Some of these Genital warts cure are:

- tropical creams and solutions
- Surgical procedures

Unfortunately you will have a very hard time to find over the counter medicine to help cure your genital warts. There are actually quite a lot of them to help you get rid of warts to only things is that they are quite useless when it comes to genital warts.

The problem with those solutions is that they are way too strong to apply in such a sensitive area. If you would try using those treatments in your genital area there would be a very good chance you would feel a greater discomfort than what you started out with.

Of course there are some genital warts cure in the form of creams and solutions, but most of these cures need to be prescribed by doctors and some of the time they even need to be applied by professional medical personnel.

Probably the most drastic genital warts cure is the on of surgical methods such as excision. This particular treatment consists of performing minor surgery to the affected area to remove the warts.

There is another treatment known by the name of LEEP (Loop Electrosurgical Excision Procedure) this particular treatment involves requires the use of a special instrument shaped like a loop. What happen is that the loop is passed underneath the warts and cuts it out of the skin. The doctor will then use some kind of ball electrode to cauterize the skin.

On top of that you can add the cryotherapy. This particular genital warts cure involves the use of liquid nitrogen or carbon dioxide. The substance is applied to the affected area only a few seconds to freeze the warts. The warts are then removed.

The good side of this method is that it is one of the very few where scarring is not the norm. Of course you can do your own research but according to mine, the majority of the other surgical based genital warts cure can leave bad scarring and disfigurement of the infected area. So according to that you might want to take a closer look at the cryotherapy method of genital warts cure.

All thing considered you can know see that there is many options available for you genital warts cure, you have the options to find a cure that suit you. Of course you might not be able to totally cure the HPV but on the other hand you can get rid of those unsightly and potentially cancer forming genital HPV wart cells.

If you are tired of suffering from genital warts and are looking for the best genital warts cure, visit my website at we provide the best information to help you understand and cure your genital warts.

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Wednesday, January 23, 2008

What Do Genital Warts Look Like

“How To Remove Your Moles, Warts & Skin Tags in 3 Days - Easily, Naturally And Without Surgery. Click Here to Know HOW??”

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If you have never suffered from genital warts or even never heard of them then you probably don?t even know what genital warts look like. And trust that?s a good thing, because genital warts are something you don?t ever want to see, they can be a frightening sight to those of faint stomachs.

Of course it?s something you don?t ever want to see even worse have but the fact is they are a part of our modern society. Now day?s sexually transmitted diseases are seen everyday almost everywhere.

If you suspect you?re suffering from genital warts and are afraid or ashamed to seek a doctors help maybe it would be a good idea to know what genital warts look like.

Seeing pictures of genital warts on the net is not the safest way to know if you have some. That is because genital warts differ in appearance from one person to another. Seeing them in picture doesn?t mean your genital warts will look like the ones you see on the pictures.

As an example some genital warts look like a small bump, in other case it is a very irritable rash, in more serious case genital warts look like cauliflower shaped growths.

As I said what genital warts look like can vary enormously. Aside from the appearance described earlier there are more form in which it can manifest, it can look like small raised growths, it can be flat in appearance it can even have an appearance of being red and angry.

Of course if you really want to know what genital warts look like your options would be to look through medical textbook, or look on the internet. Just be aware in your search that they are various forms of genital warts, what you will see may not reflect your current situation.

I must warn you first. Although there are multiple websites where you will find pictures of genital warts so that you can see what genital warts look like, be aware that it?s not a pretty sight. The pictures you will find are for the most part very candid and graphic pictures.

For the faint of art it would be better to restrain from knowing what genital warts look like. You could gather the information on these sites but if the sight of bodily functions makes you nauseous, I should avoid these at all costs.

If you are that type of nature and suspect you are suffering from genital warts, be warn, if you want to see what genital warts look like you should probably seek a doctor?s assistance. As i wrote earlier Genital warts can be a frightening sight. Seeking a doctor help you help you determine whether you have genital warts or not.

Taking that approach may be the best solution as you will be assured of your real condition. In the case you really suffer from genital warts you will be in good and you will be getting the right treatment or cure. If you are really serious about seeing what genital warts look like you can always make some other research on the net, but make sure you are up for it, it?s not a pretty sight.

We hope this article on "what do genital warts look like" was informative. If you would like to gather more information about genital warts visit my website.

For more quality articles like "What do Genital Warts look like" visit our website. We provide information to help you understand and cure this difficult condition.

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Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Genital Warts Symptoms - Do You have Some?

“How To Remove Your Moles, Warts & Skin Tags in 3 Days - Easily, Naturally And Without Surgery. Click Here to Know HOW??”

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In many cases, Genital warts symptoms vary from one person to another. From time to time it can even be mistaken for another medical condition. Sometimes Genital HPV does not manifest physically (such as warts) often misleading people to believe they have something else.

You see you could suffer from all the genital warts symptoms and still not see any warts. You in some cases the genital warts themselves can be so small that they are almost invisible to the human eye. This is often a major reason that makes people believe they in fact suffer from a different condition.

This reason alone is good enough to make you seek a physician help. He will take into consideration your genital warts symptoms and will run further test to decide if you have genital warts. One of the methods used to perform such test is to dab a small bit of acetic acid on the area suspected of having warts.

Unfortunately the genital warts symptoms can often be missed especially when found within the vaginal wall. In this particular case the genital warts symptoms can often be mistaken for another condition like the yeast infection. This is another good reason to consult a doctor if you suspect you are suffering from genital warts symptoms.

Having an accurate diagnosis performed by a professional will make sure you receive the proper treatment according to your condition. Doing a self diagnosis can lead you in the wrong direction; you could easily be treating yourself for the wrong condition.

Treating yourself for the wrong condition may not be dangerous although using the wrong medication can make your body used to that particular medication which in turn will render it useless if you ever need it.

The most important thing you should never do is to simply ignore your genital warts symptoms. Leaving your symptoms untreated can cause serious damage to your health and lead to a more serious condition such as the cancer of the cervix. If you are suffering from recurrent genital warts symptoms consult immediately as this can be the precursor of much more serious conditions like cervical cancer and even HIV-AIDS.

In such severe cases, the genital warts symptoms are probably the signs of the more serious condition. This is exactly why YOU MUST consult you physician to have a proper diagnosis to make sure you really are suffering from genital warts symptoms. Making sure you have the proper treatment.

Unfortunately even if you manage to get rid of the genital warts symptoms, the virus itself ?the human Papilloma Virus (HPV)? cannot be treated.

With time your immune system will be able to fight off the disease or infection by itself without any over the counter medicine or prescription medication. Although you can now find a vaccine for HPV which can only administrated to a select group of women to stop the onset of HPV and genital warts symptoms.

This articles was written to help you understand what are the most common genital warts symptoms.

If you are experiencing any genital warts symptoms, you should browse through our website, we offer various information about genital warts. We help you understand it.

Find the best Genital Warts Cure Here.

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Homeopathy and Warts

“How To Remove Your Moles, Warts & Skin Tags in 3 Days - Easily, Naturally And Without Surgery. Click Here to Know HOW??”

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Homeopathy can be great to treat warts, especially when, for whatever reason, you cannot go to see a doctor. Maybe you just do not want to go to any doctor to treat your ailments. This can usually be avoided with some ailments that do not affect your overall health, and do not get worse with or without your home treatments.

Warts can be annoying, unsightly, embarrassing, and even painful. If you have had them before, you know what warts look like and you know how it feels to have a wart. If you have not had a wart before at all, you should research online to see what a typical wart looks like and does so you know for sure that it is an actual wart before proceeding with homeopathy.

You do not have to go to a store or a doctor to seek treatment for a wart. Homeopathy can treat warts and get rid of them for good. It will be less invasive, less embarrassing, less expensive, and more enjoyable for you to treat your warts with homeopathy than seeking outside treatment. Do not be shy, you can do this yourself.

What Is homeopathy?

Homeopathy is also known as Homeopathics, or a classification of medicine that always has three philosophies. These philosophies break down the entire homeopathics:

1. Cures -- When your symptoms are related to that of another ailment, you would treat your illness with that particular ailment's cause.

2. Dosage -- Your dosages will be kept very small compared to those dosages of traditional treatments and medications.

3. Remedies -- Instead of taking an array of medications for your ailment, you would only be taking one specific remedy.

Homeopathy has actually been increasing in popularity in the United States, and has been for decades. More and more traditional doctors, hospitals and other practices are using the three philosophies of the homeopathics remedies rather than using traditional medications and treatments.

Homeopathy has many wonderful benefits:

? It is safe to use, even through pregnancy and for babies and children

? It is highly effective -- you will see results faster and more permanently than with traditional methods

? Less risk of side effect worries -- with homeopathy you do not have to worry about any side effects if you are taking other medications

? Traditional medications work against your immune system, but with homeopathy the remedies actually work with your immune system allowing it to get stronger and maintain its health

? There is no risk of addiction -- homeopathic treatments are not addictive, unlike many prescriptions and over the counter traditional medications

How Does Homeopathy Work?

Homeopathy works more effectively than traditional treatments. There are so many prescriptions and over the counter medications out there, and it seems like more and more are being created every day.

With homeopathy you do not have to keep up with the medical trends of medications being created and what is being recalled when and for what reasons. You do not have to worry about becoming addicted to any remedies. Homeopathy is completely safe for nearly everyone, even pregnant women, babies and children.

Would it not be nice to be able to treat your children with safe, effective and non addictive remedies? Also, using homeopathic remedies works faster than traditional medications. You can be back on your feet in no time, and so can your children. You will have less sick days being and feeling miserable, and have more productive, healthy days to work, care for your children, clean, play, have fun, and more.

Plus, your children will miss less school days because of their homeopathic remedies. Instead of taking several remedies for your one ailment, you will only be taking one remedy that is more focused on the cause of your ailment than on your symptoms. What really needs to be treated is the cause, not your symptoms.

Homeopathy works by targeting the cause of your ailment, not affecting your immune system poorly, getting you healthy again faster, and so much more.

Natural Treatments For Warts:

Even though homeopathy does not focus on the symptoms when pertaining to the remedy you should take, your symptoms will help you find the specific remedy for your particular ailment. This is because not all of us experience the same symptoms when we have the same ailment. We are different and one remedy may not work for another person with the same ailment.

Warts can show up nearly anywhere on your body, such as your face, throat, back, arms, legs, hands, feet, etc. Some might be a certain color, some might bleed, some might be dry, some might be flat, some might be painful, some might have a burning sensation, and so on. Since homeopathic remedies are found by your personal symptoms they will be different for each person.

For more information and resources on nutritional supplements for warts visit

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Sunday, January 20, 2008

Natural Cures for Those Unsightly Warts

“How To Remove Your Moles, Warts & Skin Tags in 3 Days - Easily, Naturally And Without Surgery. Click Here to Know HOW??”

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The wart is a virus known as the Human papilloma virus of which there are over 100 different types. It is one of the most common infections of the skin and is thought to affect at least 40% of all Americans.

Warts are extremely contagious and are caught when there is contact between infected skin and uninfected skin. This occurs with both genital warts and warts on other parts of the body. Warts can occur on the fingers, hands, feet, around the mouth and of course on the genitals and can appear as single bumps or in clusters which resemble a cauliflower.

While your doctor will be able to recommend something to remove your warts there are various herbal and homeopathic remedies available for you to treat them yourself. Listed below are some of the popular herbal remedies and homeopathic ways to get rid of those unsightly warts.

Aloe gel can be used due to its antiviral and antibacterial properties. Smoothing the gel over the warts is thought to help with removal of them.

Astragalus can be taken in either capsule or tincture form and is more for strengthening the immune system to help keep warts at bay if you are prone to them.

Black walnut is a popular remedy for treatment of warts in the throat and mouth.

Bloodroot is found in either a tincture or paste and when applied topically is thought to irritate the skin tissue which then leads to removal of warts and skin tags.

Comfrey is used to aid removal of warts and can be found in either cream or infusion.

Other remedies

There are also a number of essential oils which are thought to help with wart removal, a combination of oils has been put together into a preparation called ?warts no more? and can be purchased at the drug store or pharmacy.

Old-fashioned remedies

There are also various ?old fashioned? remedies that are homeopathic in nature and which can easily be combined to help get rid of warts.

Apple cider vinegar is thought to useful when it comes to getting rid of warts. Soaking cotton wool in the vinegar and holding it over the wart with a band-aid is said to remove a wart within a week.

Elderberry in liquid form has also been used as a cure for getting rid of warts. 700 mg of elderberry in water 3 times per day for 6 to 8 weeks is said to shrivel the wart and make it drop off.

Dandelion milk taken from the broken stem or leaf of the common dandelion and spread over the wart then cover with a band-aid and within a week the wart will drop off.

Garlic juice applied to the wart twice a day will help the wart to shrivel and fall off in roughly two weeks.

Of course when using any homeopathic remedies care should be taken to get the dosage correct. If you do wish to try a home remedy or herbal remedy then it might be worthwhile seeking the advice of your doctor beforehand.

Download your free report entitled "Natural Herbal Remedies & Antioxidant Vitamin Wonders" from

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Friday, January 18, 2008

Picture Of A Genital Wart

“How To Remove Your Moles, Warts & Skin Tags in 3 Days - Easily, Naturally And Without Surgery. Click Here to Know HOW??”

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