Mole Wart Skin Tag Removal

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Warts Can Show Up Everywhere

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There is a virus causing warts. For example, human papilloma virus is known to be the main factor that causes anal warts. Another type is genital warts, which are eruptions on the sex organs that are caused by transmitting of a virus during anal, vaginal or oral sex. The virus is not strong enough to create any warts that can be seen on the surface of the penis.

There are an estimate of over 100 strains of Human Papilloma Virus, approximately 30 strains of the virus are known to lead to genital warts. The genital warts are classified as a sexually transmitted disease, yet the exchange of bodily fluids during sexual intercourse is not required for the virus to spread. When your skin is damaged by cutting, scraping, freezing or burning, the wart virus usually grows back into the healing tissue and the wart returns. Usually there are up to 60 different types of warts and the most common one?s affects the hands, fingers and arms and sometimes other areas of the body is called verruca vulgaris.

In a study from a children's hospital it is shown that common duct tape is significantly more effective in curing common warts than the standard treatment of liquid nitrogen. If you are infected, then you should have treatment as soon as possible. Warts are often harmless growths which will probably go away by themselves or with minimal treatment. If their location and the amount of pain involved makes them difficult to ignore you need proper treatment. One factor to consider when deciding on the best treatment for genital warts is that in up to 50% of people treated, the warts return.

Perhaps you have heard about plantar warts. It comes from the fact that these areas are weight bearing and responsible for moving the human body from place to place. So the warts that form on the plantar surfaces get forced into the skin which makes them particularly painful. To use a public shower or walking around the locker room in your bare feet after a workout increases your risk for developing plantar warts.

Even here it is a virus that enters the body through a break in the skin and causes plantar warts. All kind of warts are a viral infection of the skin. So for the virus, any type of break in your skin can provide an entry point and allow the plantar wart to begin to develop.

For a person with a sexually transmitted disease it is easier to get affected by genital warts. Even if genital warts are equally prevalent in men as in women, the symptoms of the disease are generally much less obvious. When your warts have been removed, you need to do everything you can to boost your immune system, to give it the best possible chance of fighting off the disease permanently.

The most common warts will not be seen on areas of the body like the soles of the feet or genitals. They can start off in one area and if left untreated they can actually show up in more and more areas which is common. Most common are the areas around the mouth, eyes, or nose.

Keith George always writes about valuable news & reviews. A related resource is rel="nofollow" href="">About Warts Further information can be found at rel="nofollow" href="">Sports & Travel

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